Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Hello Everyone!
A couple of weeks ago my CyberArts class and I went to watch a documentary called "An exit through the Gift shop" which was a film about Graffiti artists. The maker of this film is named "Banksy".

Banksy is a very famous Graffiti artist. Though he is famous, he is unknown to the world. No one knows how he looks like or knows his real name.

I think Banksy is an inspiring artist because he talks about world issues in his art. He wants the world to know what kind of things happen, in images. I also like that even though he is so famous, he does his art for others to see but he doesn't do it for the fame. He isn't a sell out like "mr. brainwash" from his documentry. He believes in his art and though he may do it for good, people try to make it into some sort of conteraversy.

He is inspiring because he uses the stereotype that "graffiti is bad" and shows that world that they are wrong in his pieces.

Banksy is an amazing Graffiti and I think it is an amazing thing if you get to see any of his work in person. If you would like to see more of banksy's work, do check THIS website. :)

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