Friday, February 25, 2011

Some Inspiration; an edited trailer

Hi Guys!

I was on YouTube the other day looking at random videos and I came across this fan made trailer for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows [Part1].

This video was made by Kirwani90. I thought the video was interesting because the trailer resembled the sound-editing assignment I had been working on in my CyberArts tech class; which I've mentioned previously in my last post :). I loved how the scenes were edited; some scenes were slowed, some color corrected others drained of colour. It found it interesting and the music used was very fitting. I liked how the editor took an original action, thrilling trailer and made it sad yet intense and dramatic.

I respect the work of this maker because I know how hard it is to edit scenes into the specific order you want it too; timing, transition and all. I also know how much time it takes to find the more fitting music to use and make sure it is perfectly timed and transitioned. So watching this trailer; I was amazed.

I enjoyed this fan made trailer A LOT and I hope you like it as well!

Also! I will be posting up my own edited trailer soon :)


Ms. Johnson said...

Thanks for uploading this. I wonder if Final Cut Express will allow you to add effects such as colour saturation etc. Would be fun to try for your next music video project.

Payal said...

thanks Ms.J!
Yeah I was wondering that as well, Im anxious to work with Final Cut Express, I haven't used it before!