Monday, April 5, 2010

Touch the Sky :)

Hello Everyone!
So, last week on Thursday, I went outside to help my two friends take pictures for an assignment we are working on in CyberArts tech. We took the pictures and on our way back to the school we started jumping and taking random photographs.

This is one of the photographs my friend took of me while I was fooling around just jumping. It was beautiful outside so I had a lot of energy. So I guess I jumped pretty high looking at this photo. I didn't really know what this picture turned out like until my friend showed me it on her computer. I immediately transferred it onto my USB key and brought it home. After that I opened it onto Photoshop and did some colour correction using levels, colour balance, brightness and contrast and selective colour. After that I added some wording to the top left corner and there you have it!

I really like this photo because its very surreal, it goes against gravity because it looks like your just floating in mid-air and its funny because I didn't really plan it. You're just jumping up and down and whatever the camera captures, it captures. It's very random, and so that's what I like about it.

I hope you like it and I hope you try it one day! Just grab and camera and shoot while your in motion. It's totally random and you might have some laughs along the way when look at any ridiculous poses that turn up! So Have fun! :)

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