Monday, June 21, 2010

Stunning Sari's and Sensational Suits

This week, my mother and I were looking through catalogues of different saris and suits. While going through these catalogues I couldn't believe how beautiful some of the saris were. There weren't just one style or material; there were so many. Within these long pieces of fabric, there were sequins and beads sewed as well as embroidery.

One thing I like about these sari's is that they are like pieces of artwork. All of them have different kinds of embroidery, they are all unique in their own way. I love all the different styles of sari's and suits they have.

I looked at many, many different sari's but I couldn't choose a favourite because there were a lot that popped out at me. But If I had to choose one or two it would be the silver and pink/redish one above and the pink/redish and blue one to the side. I really liked the way they were embroidered and I also love the style of them. The colours are bold too so they pop out nicely.

My favourite suit out of all of them would probably have to be the green and red below. I like it mostly because of the pants that go with it. I love how they are puffy/volumed. It's a really nice style apposed to the skinny legged suit bottoms they came out with last year. It's refreshing to see a whole new style coming out.

If you are interested in looking at different types of sari and dress styles; check out the Silk Museum Website.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Stills and Motion

Hi Guys!

Today, I was sitting with my 7 year old cousin watching the Family Channel. After watching an episode of 'Sonny with a Chance' I was about to get off of my coach and do something productive when I suddenly heard a blast of music and then I saw them, Demi Lavato and Selena Gomez singing the song 'One and the same' from their Disney Original 'The Princess Protection Program'. My cousin seemed to love this song, so I sat down again and watched it with her; to my surprise I realized that the music video (and the song) was pretty good so I thought I'd share it with you!

In my opinion, this music video has a lot of cool video effects. I love how they cropped out clips and showed them in the frames that Demi and Selena were holding. The video wasn't made of one style. They used different things; stop animation, effects and plain video.

My favourite part of the video is when Demi and Selena are holding frames (with an empty middle) in their hands and making faces. They poke their head into the frame second and it goes through, when they bring it back their faces turn into actual pictures. I thought that effect looked really cool.

Check out the video! I hope you like it!

Mazes of the Mind

Hello Everyone!

I just wanted to share my El Anatsui piece with you. I had been working for it for about two months now and I am finally finished! This piece is packed already and ready to be sent to the ROM but I took a picture before so I could show you all! :)

The title of my El Anatsui piece is called “Mazes of the mind”. The theme behind it has to do with the walls of hatred; how when you are so mad at something or angry at the world around you that you build so many walls around yourself that it create a maze. When the walls become a maze you have to find your way around them, find your conscience and then find your way out to the real world.

My piece is mostly transparent so you can see through to the other side. One side of my piece consists of a happy, normal world with a white maze around it; this represents that you can conquer the maze and found you way out, people will accept you again. The other side is the opposite; it shows a dark blood red and black world with a black maze. This represents the fact that you may not want to break out of the maze of hatred and if you do, the world and the people in it may not want to accept you anymore because of the things you have said or done.

Since my piece is transparent, I placed a person and their conscience on two different sides of the piece. It seems as they are on the same side but really, there is a barrier between them.

My concept includes many questions within questions. It makes you think because there are two scenarios to it and it depends on who looks at it and what their point of view is. You do not know the conclusion until you think about the actions. My piece has a simple design but it has a maze of thoughts around it.


Hello Everyone!

For a project at school we were asked to create a t-shirt design that reflected and represented an article from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

For this design I chose article #18; everyone has the right of freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public of private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

My idea behind my design is that everyone should accept that there is more than one kind of religion and belief and everyone should have the right to carry them out without being judged or punished. My design has the word "FREEDOM" In large letters in bold and underneath that word I have 3 words that summarize the whole article; thought, conscience and religion. Beside it, I have a man and a women praying but it is not defined which religion they follow because there are symbols of a lot of different religions. I am trying to convey that all religions are different but it shouldn't matter which one you follow.

I hope you like it! :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Andy Warhol

Today I was searing the web for interesting pieces of art and artists and one famous artist caught my attention; Andy Warhol. Any Warhol is a very famous pop art style artist.

Andy Warhol (or Andrew Warhola) was born on August 6th, 1928. In his early career he studied commercial art at the School of Fine Arts at Carnegie Institute of Technology in Pittsburge, Pennsylvania. From there he moved to New York City in 1949 to begin a successful career in magazine illustration and advertising. From then on he gained fame or his ink drawings of shoe advertisment. Seeing this the RCA Records hired him to design album covers and promotional materials.

In the 1960's Warhol started making paintings for products such as Campbells's Soup Cans and Coca-Cola bottles as well as painting celeberaties such as Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley and more.

Andy Warhol worked with many different media and aside from an artist was also a writer and a movie maker. Warhol had a very interesting life but his message was always the same. He wanted to remove the difference between the "fine arts" and the "commercial arts."

Andy Warhol was and is a very inspiring pop artist. I love his work and I think it looks very interesting and very bold with all of the viberant colors. :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Glitter Text Tutorial


Today, I am back with another Adobe Photoshop CS3 (and above) tutorial for you! Last time I showed you a coloring technique but today I thought i'd give you a fun tutorial. This time, I am going to teach you how to make a simple glitter text in Photoshop CS3 or above!

So let's start!

1. Open a new document in Photoshop by going into FILE > NEW

2. You may set the size to any size you would like, I chose 500 px by 500 px (You can always crop it later)

3. Take your text tool and type in anything you would like (I chose to write my name) and choose any colour you would like (except for black and white).

4. Rasterize your image by going into LAYER > RATERIZE > TYPE

5. Take your text layer and duplicate it four times.

6. Now to add a glitter effect, click on the first (most bottom) layer of your text. Go to FILTER > NOISE > ADD NOISE
Set the noise to 25%

Now click on the second layer from the bottom. Repeat the step above but set the noise for that one to 30 %

Repeat these steps for the next two layers. Layer 3 should have a noise percentage of 35% and Layer 4 should have a noise percentage of 40%.

6. Make sure your animation window is open by going into WINDOW > ANIMATION

7. There should be one frame on the animation window. Duplicate that frame so there are four frames.

Click on the first frame; hide the layers so only the bottom layer is showing.
Click on the second frame; hide the layers so only the second last layer is showing
Click on the second frame; hide the layers so only the third last layer is showing
Click on the forth frame; hide all the layers so only the first layer is showing.

8. Set the time of each of the frames to 0.1 seconds

9. Press play. your text should be glittering!

10. If you have blank parts around your text that you do not need, crop it out with the crop tool.

11. To save, go to FILE > SAVE FOR WEB AND DEVICES
Make sure you are saving the file as a gif.


Here is what mine turned out like

Hope you liked the tutorial! feel free to leave any comments or questions! :)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Hello Everyone!
A couple of weeks ago my CyberArts class and I went to watch a documentary called "An exit through the Gift shop" which was a film about Graffiti artists. The maker of this film is named "Banksy".

Banksy is a very famous Graffiti artist. Though he is famous, he is unknown to the world. No one knows how he looks like or knows his real name.

I think Banksy is an inspiring artist because he talks about world issues in his art. He wants the world to know what kind of things happen, in images. I also like that even though he is so famous, he does his art for others to see but he doesn't do it for the fame. He isn't a sell out like "mr. brainwash" from his documentry. He believes in his art and though he may do it for good, people try to make it into some sort of conteraversy.

He is inspiring because he uses the stereotype that "graffiti is bad" and shows that world that they are wrong in his pieces.

Banksy is an amazing Graffiti and I think it is an amazing thing if you get to see any of his work in person. If you would like to see more of banksy's work, do check THIS website. :)


Hello Everyone!

Today, I will tell you about my hero. The one that has saved me from going into depression. This is!

In the tech. portion of our cyberarts class we have been assigned to make a website portfolio of our best works for our culminating project. For this assignment we are required to code and add content to a web page using HTML and CSS.

Coming into this course I had very basic knowledge of HTML and had no idea how to code in CSS. So, when this culminating project was assigned I did not know how to start. This is where I went to google and started searching up some CSS and HTML techniques. The website that taught me the most was It teaches you basic HTML and CSS coding and provides examples for you. Also, once you have figured out or mastered CSS and HTML it has all the information on Javascript and more. It just takes some time, effort and interest to learn!

Do check out the website if you are interested!