Friday, March 18, 2011

Photo Manipulations

Hey guys!

I was online again and I found a article of 39 really cool photo manipulations! What is the definition of a photo manipulation? Well, according to Wikipedia a photo manipulation is "the application of image editing techniques to photographs in order to create an illusion or deception (in contrast to mere enhancement or correction), through analog or digital means."

Out of these 39 photo Manipulations, I wanted to share 2-3 of my favourites and tell you why.

This is the first of the three photo manipulations I wanted to show you. I really like it because it has a cool feel to it and I think that its really interesting. I love how you have the illusion of a man drawing an image of his legs but his legs look like they are attached to the rest of his body making the picture look like a whole.

This is the second photo manipulation I chose to show you. I found it creative because the artist makes the face of this boy seem as though it has the texture of a pillow. They made it as so the impact of the punch has a entirely different outcome than that of reality.

This is the third and last photo manipulation I wanted to show you. This picture, I thought, was very witty. This is because you can see that this person tried to catch a vase from breaking, but broke themselves. It's almost like a reverse situation and I thought that was very cool.

I found that these photo manipulations were really creative and made me feel a round of emotions. Some of them were mind-boggling, others disturbing and some were very witty or clever. I recommend that you check them out. If you would like to see the other 35 photo manipulations, CLICK HERE.

Hope you like them!

1 comment:

Ms. Johnson said...

Thanks Payal. Those are amazing photo-manipulations! I think I'll share these with my graphics class, as the students are mostly newbies to photoshop; its pretty interesting to see what is possible!