Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Glitter Text Tutorial


Today, I am back with another Adobe Photoshop CS3 (and above) tutorial for you! Last time I showed you a coloring technique but today I thought i'd give you a fun tutorial. This time, I am going to teach you how to make a simple glitter text in Photoshop CS3 or above!

So let's start!

1. Open a new document in Photoshop by going into FILE > NEW

2. You may set the size to any size you would like, I chose 500 px by 500 px (You can always crop it later)

3. Take your text tool and type in anything you would like (I chose to write my name) and choose any colour you would like (except for black and white).

4. Rasterize your image by going into LAYER > RATERIZE > TYPE

5. Take your text layer and duplicate it four times.

6. Now to add a glitter effect, click on the first (most bottom) layer of your text. Go to FILTER > NOISE > ADD NOISE
Set the noise to 25%

Now click on the second layer from the bottom. Repeat the step above but set the noise for that one to 30 %

Repeat these steps for the next two layers. Layer 3 should have a noise percentage of 35% and Layer 4 should have a noise percentage of 40%.

6. Make sure your animation window is open by going into WINDOW > ANIMATION

7. There should be one frame on the animation window. Duplicate that frame so there are four frames.

Click on the first frame; hide the layers so only the bottom layer is showing.
Click on the second frame; hide the layers so only the second last layer is showing
Click on the second frame; hide the layers so only the third last layer is showing
Click on the forth frame; hide all the layers so only the first layer is showing.

8. Set the time of each of the frames to 0.1 seconds

9. Press play. your text should be glittering!

10. If you have blank parts around your text that you do not need, crop it out with the crop tool.

11. To save, go to FILE > SAVE FOR WEB AND DEVICES
Make sure you are saving the file as a gif.


Here is what mine turned out like

Hope you liked the tutorial! feel free to leave any comments or questions! :)

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